Other publications

Most Recent Peer Review Articles, Chapters, and Working Papers

2025 (in press)
John Pickles. Edmund Husserl. In Penser les spatialités/Thinking spatialities. Edited by Yann Calbérac, André-Frédéric Hoyaux, Arthur Oldra, Mathis Stock, and Anne Volvey.

John Pickles. Review essay: Data Power: Radical Geographies of Control and Resistance by Jim E. Thatcher and Craig M. Dalton. Pluto Press. In AAG Review of Books.

Javier Arce-Nazario, Janet Downie, Tim Shea, John Pickles and Toni Veneri Chorography, cartography and the geospatial humanities. In Routledge Handbook of Cartographic Humanities, edited by Tania Rosetto and Laura Lo Presti.

Sofie Senecal and John Pickles. Supranational to the grave? On the geopolitics of corpse repatriation in the EU. Geopolitics, 28:3, 1186-1209. https://doi.org/10.1080/14650045.2021.2000398

John Pickles. Review Essay. Political Geography and Critical Geopolitics. Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society, Vol.44: 81-82.

Stoyan Nedkov, John Pickles, Kliment Naydenov, and Hristina Prodanova (2021) Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society: the new vision and perspectives Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society, Vol. 44, May 2021: 3-5. doi: 10.3897/jbgs.e68981   https://jbgs.arphahub.com/article/68981/

John Pickles. Smart Geographies and the Political Economy of Innovation and Inequality. Smart Geography: 100 Years of the Bulgarian Geographical Society. Nedkov, S., Zhelezov, G., Ilieva, N., Nikolova, M., Koulov, B., Naydenov, K., Dimitrov, S. (Eds.). Springer International, pp. 29-39.

John Pickles. Europe Today: Transnationalism, Globalisms, and Geographies of Pan-Europe (I). In a special feature, Imagining, Thinking, and Teaching Europe, edited by Hélène B. Ducros and Louie Dean Valencia-García. Europe Now. Online Journal of the Council of European Studies. June 2020.

John Pickles. Europe Today: Transnationalism, Globalisms, and Geographies of Pan-Europe (II). In a special feature, Imagining, Thinking, and Teaching Europe, edited by Hélène B. Ducros and Louie Dean Valencia-García. Europe Now. Online Journal of the Council of European Studies. June 2020.

Shengjun Zhu, Xiaoming Yao, John Pickles & Tu Lan. The upgrading framework in the apparel industry literature: insights from apparel firms in Ningbo, China. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 101:3, 231-254. https://doi.org/10.1080/04353684.2019.1630290

Elizabeth Havice and John Pickles. ‘Articulating value and missing links in ‘geographies of dissociation: Commentary’. Dialogues 9(10), March 2019, pp. 73-78.

Elizabeth Havice and John Pickles. Chapter 9: On value in value chains. In Stefano Ponte, Gary Gereffi and Gale Raj-Reichert (eds), Handbook on global value chains. October, pp. 169-182.

Ray Hudson and John Pickles. Geographical Uneven Development and Regional Futures: A Conversation. In Thilo Lang and Franziska Görmar (eds.). Regional and Local Development in Times of Polarisation: Re-thinking Spatial Policies in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 29-59.

Maribel Casas-Cortes, Sebastian Cobarrubias, and John Pickles. 2019. ‘B/Ordering Turbulence beyond Europe: Expert Knowledge in the Management of Human Mobility.’ In Mapping Migration, Identity, and Space (edited by Tabea Linhard and Tim Parsons), Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 257-282.

John Pickles. ‘From ‘the’ North to ‘the’ South: Spatializing the Conjuncture in British Cultural Studies.’ In Marion Werner, Jamie Peck, Rebecca Lave, and Brett Christophers (eds). Doreen Massey: Critical Dialogues. Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing, pp. 137-150.

John Pickles. ‘Place, Autonomy, and the Politics of Hope’. Appalachia in Regional Context: Place Matters, edited by Dwight B. Billings and Ann E. Kingsolver. University of Kentucky Press, 2018, pp. 71-90.

Maribel Casas-Cortes, Sebastian Cobarrubias, and John Pickles [Equal Authorship]. 2018. Fronteras cambiantes, soberanias desplazadas por el derecho a migrar [Changing borders, displaced sovereignty, and the right to migrate]. In Fronteras del siglo XXI obstaculos o puentos? In memoriam of Professor Angel G Chueca Sancho [Borders of the 21st century], edited by Fernandex Sola Nitividad and Trant Lo Blanch. La Isla Libros Publishers, 2018

Maribel Casas Cortes, Sebastian Cobarrubias, and John Pickles. B/Ordering Turbulence Beyond Europe: Expert Knowledge in the Management of Human Mobility. In Mapping Migration, Identity, and Space, edited by Tabea Linhard and Tim Parsons. Forthcoming.

John Pickles. Place, autonomy, and the politics of hope. Place Matters, edited by Dwight Billings and Ann Kingsolver. University of Kentucky Press, Lexington, in press.

John Pickles. Embeddedness. International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. Association of American Geographers/Wiley. March 2017.

John Pickles. Relational Assets. International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. Association of American Geographers/Wiley. March 2017.

John Pickles. Global Value Chains, Changing Divisions of Labour, and the Regulation of Work in EU28 and Euro-Med. In A Global Perspective on the European Economic Crisis. Edited by Brunoa Dallago, Gurt Guri, and John McGowan. Routledge, pp. 207-223.

Shengjun Zhu and John Pickles. 2016. ‘Institutional embeddedness and regional adaptability and rigidity in a Chinese apparel cluster.’ Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography. June 98(2): 127-143.

Stephanie Barrientos, Gary Gereffi, and John Pickles (co-authors). 2016. New dynamics of upgrading in global value chains: Shifting terrain for suppliers and workers in the global south. Environment and Planning A Vol. 48(7) 1214–1219. .pdf

John Pickles, Stephanie Ware Barrientos, and Peter Knorringa. 2016. New end markets, supermarket expansion and shifting social standards. Environment and Planning A Vol. 48(7): 1284-1301.

Maribel Casas Cortes, Sebastian Cobarrubias, and John Pickles. 2016. ‘”Good Neighbours Make Good Fences”: Operation Seahorse and the Implementation of the EU Strategy of Migration Routes Management in North and West Africa’.  European Urban and Regional Studies. Vol. 23(3): 231-251. http://eur.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/08/12/0969776414541136

John Pickles, Leonhard Plank, Cornelia Staritz, and Amy Glasmeier. 2015. ‘Trade Policy and Regionalisms in Global Clothing Production Networks’. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society. 8(3): 381-402. .pdf

Shenjun Zhu and John Pickles. 2015. ‘Turkishization of a Chinese apparel firm: fast fashion, regionalization and the shift from global supplier to new end markets.’ Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society. 8(3): 537-554. .pdf

Maribel Casas Cortes, Sebastian Cobarrubias, and John Pickles. 2015. ‘Riding Routes and Itinerant Borders: Autonomy of Migration and Border Externalization.’ Antipode Vol.47(4)m September: 894-914.

Maribel Casas Cortes, Sebastian Cobarrubias, and John Pickles.  ‘Externalization of border control policies of the European Union. REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana (Brasilia, Brazil), Special Issue on Migrações e fronteiras. XXIII(44), January/June: 47-60. http://www.csem.org.br/index.php/csem-em-foco/3579-remhu-44-migracoes-e-fronteiras

Crampton Jeremy and Wilson, Matthew W. (and John Pickles). Harley and Friday Harbor: A Conversation with John Pickles. Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization. March 2015, Vol. 50 Issue 1: 28-36. http://www.utpjournals.press/doi/abs/10.3138/carto.50.1.06

Martin Mueller and John Pickles. 2015. ‘Global games, local rules: Mega-events in the post-socialist world.’ European Urban and Regional Studies. 22(2), April: 121-127.

Tu Lan, John Pickles, and Shengjun Zhu. 2015. ‘State Regulation, Economic Reform and Worker Rights: The Contingent Effects of China’s Labour Contract Law’. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 45(2): 266-293. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00472336.2014.940592

Maribel Casas-Cortes, Sebastian Cobarrubias, Nicholas De Genova, Glenda Garelli, Giorgio Grappi, Charles Heller, Sabine Hess, Bernd Kasparek, Sandro Mezzadra, Brett Neilson, Irene Peano, Lorenzo Pezzani, John Pickles, Federico Rahola, Lisa Riedner, Stephan Scheel & Martina Tazzioli. 2015. ‘New Keywords: Borders and Migration’. Cultural Studies. 29(1): 55-87. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09502386.2014.891630  http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09502386.2014.891630#.VPXosPnF8i8

Adrian Smith, John Pickles, Milan Buček, Rudolf Pástor and Bob Begg. 2014. ‘The political economy of global production networks: regional industrial change and differential upgrading in the East European clothing industry.’ Journal of Economic Geography 14(6) November: 1023-1052.

Frederick W. Mayer and John Pickles. 2014. ‘Re-embedding the Market: Global Apparel Value Chains, Governance and Decent Work’, in Rossi, A., Luinstra, A., and Pickles, J. (editors), Toward Better Work – Understanding Labour in Apparel Global Value Chains. (Basingstoke and Geneva: Palgrave Macmillan and International Labour Organization/Capturing the Gains), pp. 17-39.

John Pickles, Maribel Casas Cortes, and Sebastian Cobarrubias. 2014. The Commons. In D. Nonini (editor). A Companion to Urban Anthropology. New York: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 449-469.

John Pickles and Timothy Stallmann.  2014.  ‘Mapping and Social Theory’ in M. Monmonier (ed). The History of Cartography: Twentieth Century. Chicago: Chicago University Press. In press.

John Pickles, Sebastian Cobarrubias, and Maribel Casas-Cortes. 2014. ‘The cartographic gaze, new cartographies of the border, and the responsibility of mapping’. In Géoesthétique (edited by Aliocha Imhoff and Kantuta Quiros).  Co-produced by the Parc Saint Leger (art center), High School of Fine Arts of Clermont-Ferrand, and also certainly by the CNL (National Center of Books), the CNAP (National Center of Contemporary Art). Paris: B42 Publishers, forthcoming.

John Pickles. 2014. ‘Place, Autonomy, and the Politics of Hope.’ In Place Matters (edited by Dwight Billings and Amy Kingsolver). Lexington, University of Kentucky Press.

Lan Tu and John Pickles. 2014. ‘State regulation, economic reform and worker rights: the contingent effects of China’s Labour Contract Law.’Journal of Contemporary Asia. Forthcoming.

Thomas C. Wolfe and John Pickles.  2014. ‘Social justice, social science, and the complexities of post-socialism’, in Jan Kubik and Amy T. Linch (editors) Justice, Hegemony and Mobilization: Views from East/Central Europe and Eurasia. New York: The NYU Press.  Click for details.

Shengjun Zhu and John Pickles. 2014.  From ‘Bring-In’ to ‘Go-Up’, ‘Go-West’, and ‘Go-Out’: Upgrading, Regionalisation, and Delocalisation in China’s Apparel Production Networks. Journal of Contemporary Asia. First published 9 June 2013:  DOI: 10.1080/00472336.2013.801166. .pdf
John Pickles. 2013. Economic and social upgrading in apparel global value chains: public governance and trade policy.  Capturing the Gains Working Paper 2012/13. .pdf

John Pickles and Shengjun Zhu. 2013. The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act.  Capturing the Gains Working Paper 2013/15. .pdf

John Pickles and Shane Godfrey. Economic and social upgrading in global apparel production networks. Capturing the Gains Cape Town Summit Briefing No 06.2. .pdf

Maribel Casas Cortes, Sebastian Cobarrubias, and John Pickles.  2013. Re-Bordering the Neighbourhood: Europe’s Emerging Geographies of Non-Accession Integration.  Journal of European Urban and Regional Studies. First published May 30, 2012, doi: 10.1177/0969776411434848  http://eur.sagepub.com/content/early/2012/04/20/0969776411434848.abstract

John Pickles. 2012. ‘The Cultural Turn and the Conjunctural Economy: Economic Geography, Anthropology, and Cultural Studies,’ Chapter 2 in The Wiley-Blackwell New Companion to Economic Geography, Edited by Barnes, Peck, and Sheppard.  Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 537-551.

Stephanie Barrientos, Frederick Mayer, John Pickles, and Anne Posthuma. 2011. Labour standards in global production networks: Framing the policy Debate.  International Labour Review, Vol. 150, December, No. 3–4, pp. 299-318.

—in the French edition: Stephanie Barrientos, Frederick Mayer, John Pickles, and Anne Posthuma. 2011. Travail décent et réseaux de production mondiaux: construire le débat politique. Revue internationale du Travail, Vol. 130  décembre, no. 3-4, pp. 325-346.

—in the Spanish edition: Stephanie Barrientos, Frederick Mayer, John Pickles, and Anne Posthuma. 2011. Trabajo decente en las redes productivas mundiales. Marco del debate programático.  Revista Internacional del Trabajo. Vol. 130, Diciembre, num 3-4, pp. 325-346.

Maribel Casas Cortes, Sebastian Cobarrubias, and John Pickles. Stretching Borders Beyond Sovereign Territories? Mapping EU and Spain’s Border Externalization Policies. Geopolitica(s). Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder. 2(1), pp. 71-90.

Sebastian Cobbarrubias, Maribel Casas Cortes, and John Pickles. ‘An interview with Sandro Mezzadra,’ Environment and Planning D:  Society and Space, 29(4) August 2011, pp.584-598. .pdf

Dennis Arnold and John Pickles. 2011.  ‘Global work, surplus labor, and the precarious economies of the border’ Antipode. 43(5), pp. 1598–1624 .pdf

John Pickles & Adrian Smith (2011): Delocalization and Persistence in the European Clothing Industry:
The Reconfiguration of Trade and Production Networks, Regional Studies, 45:2, 167-185. .pdf

John Pickles and Adrian Smith. 2010.  ‘Clothing Workers after the Worker States: The Consequences for Work and Labour of Outsourcing, Nearshoring and Delocalization in Postsocialist Europe’.  Handbook of Employment and Society. Editors: Susan McGrath-Champ, Andrew Herod, Al Rainnie. Edward Elgar Publishers: Cheltenham, pp. 106-123.

John Pickles. 2010. ‘The spirit of post-socialism: common spaces and the production of diversity.’ European Urban and Regional Studies, 17(2), pp. 127-140.

John Pickles. 2009.  The Dictionary of Human Geography (edited by Derek Gregory, Ron Johnson, Geraldine Pratt, Michael Watts, and Sarah Whatmore). Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell: Cartesianism (65-6); Cartographic Reason 66; Euclidean space (220); Existentialism  (228-9); Objectivity (507); Phenomenology (528-9); Post-socialism (571); Second World (670); Socialism (700-1).

John Pickles (editor). 2009. ‘Globalization and Regionalization in Post-Socialist Economies: Common Economic Spaces of Europe’. In John Pickles (editor). Globalization and Regionalization in Post-socialist Economies: the Common Economic Spaces of Europe. Palgrave Macmillan.

Frederick W. Mayer and John Pickles. 2009. ‘Governance and Implications for Decent Work in Apparel Global Value Chains’.  A Working Paper Commissioned for the ‘Capturing the Gains’ Program.  Institute for International Labour Studies: ILO.

Sebastian Cobarrubias and John Pickles. 2009.  ‘Spacing Movements: mapping practice, global justice and social activism’.  In The Spatial Turn: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Routledge: London and New York: 36-58.

John Pickles. 2008.  ‘Derek Gregory ‘Geographical Imaginations’ (1995)’, in Phil Hubbard, Rob Kitchin and Gill Valentine (eds).  Key Texts in Human Geography, SAGE publications. Chapter 20.

Adrian Smith, John Pickles, Milan Bucek, Robert Begg, and Poli Roukova.  2008.  Reconfiguring ‘post-socialist’ regions: cross-border networks and regional competition in the Slovak and Ukrainian clothing industry.  Global Networks 8(3): 281-301.

John Pickles. 2008. ‘The spirit of post-socialism: what do we understand by it?’ in J. Pickles (ed.) State and Society in Post-Socialist and Post-Soviet Economies. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-19.

John Pickles. 2008. ‘State, Society, and Hybrid Post-Socialist Economies’ in J. Pickles (ed.) State and Society in Post-Socialist and Post-Soviet Economies. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 253-62.

John Pickles. 2008. ‘Preface’ to Industrial and Firm Upgrading in the European Periphery: The Textile and Clothing Industry in Turkey and Bulgariaby Evgeni Evgeniev.

John Pickles. 2007. Deconstructing Hegemonies and the Ethics and Politics of Theory. Discussion forum on Matthew Sparke’s In the Space of Theory.  Edited by Jo Sharp.  Environment and Planning D: Society and Space.

John Pickles. 2007.  ‘Geographical Imaginations’, in Phil Hubbard, Rob Kitchin and Gill Valentine (eds).  Key Texts in Human Geography, SAGE publications.

John Pickles.  2007. Radical Thought-In-Action: Gunnar Olsson’s Critique of Cartographic Reason.  Geografiska Annaler 89 B (4): 394-7.

John Pickles and Adrian Smith. 2007. ‘Post-socialist economic geographies and the politics of knowledge production’. In Politics and Practices of Economic Geography. Edited by Eric Sheppard, Trevor Barnes, Jamie Peck, and Adam Tickell. SAGE.

John Pickles. 2007. Collectivism, Universalism, and Struggles Over Common Property Resources in the ‘New’ Europe. In The Global Idea of the Commons. Edited by Don Nonini. Critical Intervention Series, Berghahn Press. Forthcoming.

John Pickles. 2006. Collectivism, Universalism, and Struggles Over Common Property Resources in the ‘New’ Europe. Social Analysis. 50(3), Winter, 178-186.

John Pickles. 2006. Trade Liberalization, Upgrading. and Regionalization in the Global Apparel Industry. Environment and Planning A. December.  38(12): 2201-2206.

John Pickles, Adrian Smith, Poli Roukova, Robert Begg, and Milan Bucek. 2006. Upgrading and diversification in the East European industry: Competitive pressure and production networks in the clothing industry. Environment and Planning A. 38(12): 2305-2324

John Pickles. 2006. On the Social Lives of Maps and the Politics of Diagrams: A story of power, alchemy, seduction, and disappearance. Area 37 (4): 355-364.

John Pickles. 2006. Ground Truth 1995-2005. Transactions in GIS 10(5): 763-772.